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Ever worked with someone who’s both stressed and challenging to manage?

Often, we jump to solutions like performance management or referring them to an Employee Assistance Program. But what if we paused for a moment and asked: What’s really going on beneath the surface?

💡 A deeper issue may be at play

A stressed or disruptive employee can be the tip of a much bigger, systemic issue within your team or organisation. By treating this only as an individual problem, you may miss critical early warning signs of larger challenges in your team culture.

Think of your organisation as a living system. Just like our bodies, where illness is a symptom of something deeper, a struggling employee may indicate underlying organisational stress. If you only treat the symptom, the root cause may go unnoticed.

So next time, ask yourself:

✨ How would I cope in their situation?

✨ Could this be a sign of deeper systemic issues?

👉 Remember, by looking beyond the individual and considering the system as a whole, we can foster healthier teams and prevent bigger problems in the future.

Do you want to improve your team’s performance and culture? 

Contact me to learn more about how I can help.


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